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   Social Wellness & Awareness Program​​

Our Mission

SWAP-C is dedicated to providing our community members with individual supports, services and opportunities through partnerships, education and cultural based activities & teachings. SWAP-C will strive to enhance the quality of life for each and every member of our community within a 30 kilometer radius of Burleigh Falls or a member of Kawartha Nishnawbe or Lovesick Lake Native Women’s Association.

What is SWAP-C?

The Social Community Wellness & Awareness Program for Community will create opportunities to decrease isolation and increase socialization through the participation in various activities & educational workshops that will help to bring awareness to our community regarding the many issues that Aboriginal & Metis people are faced with; including but not limited to drug & alcohol addiction, mental illness, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, blood sugar, blood pressure,  healthy and affordable eating, fitness. Members will learn valuable knowledge & prevention strategies that will enable them to live a healthy life style while preserving and revitalizing culture.

Our Partnership

The SWAP-C is delivered through a partnership with LLNWA and Kawartha Nishnawbe

Contact Information

For more information about SWAP-C contact:


Lesley Cruise at




Amber Seagar at

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